Alice Guittet is a notary specialising in patrimonial law.

Alice joined C&C Notaires in 2019 after an initial experience with a major Parisian law firm, already focusing on family law & wealth engineering, which she is particularly passionate about.

Dynamic and a great listener, Alice assists prestigious private clients with their wealth-related concerns.

She has also developed particular expertise in the fields of private international law and the management and transmission of artistic heritage.

Alice regularly publishes in specialized journals. She is also a lecturer at Université Paris Dauphine, alongside Pierre Cenac, in the Executive Master Gestion du Patrimoine Artistique Privé, in partnership with Christie’s.

Dedicated expertise :
  • Master’s degree in Notarial Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas,
  • Specialised Master’s degree in International Law and Management from HEC
  • Graduate Notary Diploma (Diplôme Supérieur de Notariat) from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas
  • “Endowment funds as a means of passing on an artist’s work” Defrénois, Lextenso Notaires, March 2020, no.11 (Le fonds de dotation comme outil de transmission du patrimoine de l’artiste)
  • “Implementation of post-mortem endowment funds as a means of passing on an artist’s work” Defrénois, Lextenso Notaires, June 2020, no.24 (Mise en œuvre du fonds de dotation post mortem comme outil de transmission du patrimoine de l’artiste)
  • “International succession: understanding the intricacies of article 750 ter 2° of the French General Tax Code” co-authored with Christel Tessier, Le Blog Gestion de patrimoine, April 2022 (Succession internationale : comprendre les méandres de l’article 750 ter 2° du CGI)
  • “International succession: a correct reading of article 750 ter 2° of the French General Tax Code” co-authored with Christel Tessier, Defrénois, Lextenso Notaires, September 2022, no.35 («Succession internationale : de la bonne lecture de l’article 750 ter 2° du CGI)
  • “Planning a Franco-Swiss succession”, co-authored with Christel Tessier, Lefebvre – Solution Notaire, Editions Francis Lefebvre, Dalloz, no.19, 1 June 2023 (La planification d’une succession franco-suisse)
  • French
  • English
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